SWIR Lenses
SWIR lenses also called short wave near infrared lens, it’s a Fixed Focal Length Lenses with the working wavelength within the short wave NIR infrared. Short wave infrared spectrum range from 800-3000nm, so we also understand that SWIR lens with working wavelength 800-2500nm. Since spectrum of SWIR camera is 900 -3000nm, some manufacturers define SWIR lenses as working wavelength of 900-1700nm.
GAOPTICS optimized the optical designs of the SWIR lens, so it with an excellent resolution, high transmission and compact size. GA 25.6mm SWIR lens, max image sensor size up to 25.6mm, working wavelength from 800 -1800nm; GA 1" SWIR lens, maximum imaging size reached 16.4mm, working wavelength from 700 -1700nm.